Pharmacy education and career.
The dictionary meaning of Education if one google it gives this explanation. Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially in a school or college. In a lighter vein, the present education system is more towards getting (read money) more than giving education. I am sure education providers, if they read the previous sentence,will come after me with all their defences blazing.
Education a perspective
Education begins at home. Parents are the first teachers. The values we gain in our child hood is the foundation of our living. It is the foundation of our behaviour. It is the foundation of our reaction to society. The foundation gained in our early life can be altered and modified as the years pass. We imbibe and adapt to so many different situations and environments. Human beings are not rigid. Humans are by nature free and explorative. The ensuing years which is from 5 years to 15 years are very important. Those years improve on the foundation laid by parents. No doubt each one is responsible for himself/herself. The formative years are strongly influenced by our teachers. We learn what is taught and implement the same in our life interactions. We are chiselled and ready to learn the skills of what we want to do after our formative years.
Education after initial 15 years of school
The initial 15 years of attending school pass in fun and frolic. The base it set for the individual to move forward in life. Learning is in general. Education during those years covers all the basic and the most necessary learning skills. The process enables a student to have a clear path in the mind. Majority of students will have an inkling to tread a particular educational stream. They will have various options to choose from. The present digital world gives all the information required for the seeker. Students will take guidance from parents, teachers and friends. The analysis available on the internet will further consolidate their resolve.
Medical and paramedical education
Everyone on this planet will agree that the medical profession is the most noble profession. In India the history of medicine dates back to 600 BC (exact date is still debated). Sushruta an ancient sage has written a treatise on treatment ‘Sushruta-samhita’. It is the earliest treatise on illness and treatment. Sushruta postulated that natural herbs have great medicinal properties. The treatise was written way back in 600 BC and it is still extant. We can imagine the authenticity of the treatise. Sushruta-samhita in its 184 chapters mentions in detail about 1120 illnesses. The treatise mentions 700 medicinal plants. The treatise is not only limited to illness but encompasses surgical techniques. One can wonder at the potential of this man in understanding physiology of the human body. Without much ado, I will list out below the exemplary medical/surgical related procedures explained in Sushruta-samhita.
The treatises explains the surgical techniques of making incisions and probing the affected part.
There is a detailed text on extraction of foreign bodies.
Sushruta samhita explains alkali and therma cauterization, tooth extraction.
He gives out the method of draining abscesses and fluid extraction.
The treatise also mentions about management of haemorrhoids.
Sushruta in his treatise about enumeration of six types of dislocations, twelve varieties of fractures, and classification of the bones and their reaction to the injuries, and gives a classification of eye diseases including cataract surgery.
It is a wow factor considering the time and period of writing the treatise. India is the birth place of ayurvedic treatment. It still complements the benefit of allopathic mode of treatment. There are numerous clinical trials being conducted In India for the present Covid pandemic.
Well, we do not know how and from which Sushruta excelled in this knowledge. No doubt his knowledge is still very much authentic and relied upon by Ayurveda specialists. This writer has personally benefited from ayurvedic treatment.
Scope of medical and paramedical education
Excellence in any particular stream of education is always appreciated. The student who pass out of the college after obtaining excellence in his/her stream of learning, is a boon to the entire humanity. In my opinion medical or paramedical education scores a notch above other streams of education. Health professionals keep us healthy and strong. The population depends on the health profession tor relief from simple to complex illness. That is why the health profession is hailed world over as the most noble profession. We all are waiting eagerly for a cure to the current covid 19 pandemic. Just think, while we are told to stay home and safe, the only profession who sweat out for our health is the medical profession. The scope of medical and paramedical education stream is full of excitement, fulfillment and satisfaction.
Earlier I mentioned medical and paramedical education. I also mentioned about paramedical course complementing the medical profession. In the health care education stream we have allied professionals who provide services. The professionals who provide those services have studied paramedical course.
Paramedical course
Paramedical courses are specifically job oriented academic streams. The courses cover allied health care pharmacy, nursing, laboratory, radiology et cetera.
Students of paramedical courses are professionally trained. The course turns them into skilled and qualified healthcare workers and technicians. Allied healthcare professionals along with Doctors and Nurses, play an integral role in the well being of people.
Pharmacy course is not only job oriented but also is a research related education stream. The following image will briefly describe the usual steps of attending education stardom in pharmacy courses.
!2th standard or II PUC as it is termed is an important step in the life of a student.The formative years are completed successfully. Students either have decided the niche education stream to study or in dilemma about which education stream to choose. Students probably will have a couple of specialization education streams to decide.
This article addresses those students who want clarity and more information. Pharmacy should be the right choice to study. The image depicts visually the specialization steps in a typical pharmacy education. Students will join the first step of pharmacy education that is Diploma in pharmacy course. The student will learn about physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry and other curriculum. By the time students pass out of the Diploma in pharmacy course, they will be trained pharmacists. After the mandatory on field (in an authorised, approved pharmacy center) Government will register them as certified pharmacists. In later parts I will give out the job prospects of each step of pharmacy courses.
Students will be usually interested to gain more knowledge in the pharmacy stream. The next step available for the student is the Bachelor in Pharmacy course. This course is more exhaustive in nature. The duration of study is also more than the duration of Diploma in Pharmacy course. Bachelors of Pharmacy course opens new vistas into the domain of pharmacy education.
Students who have successfully completed the Bachelor of pharmacy certification will have yearning to study more and attain knowledge as a highly specialized professional. Master in Pharmacy is the ideal choice. The student will choose a particular stream in pharmacy. The student will undergo extensive education and practical training. Master in pharmacy course opens the exciting world of research and innovation. All the newer curing drug molecules are found in specialized research centres.
The ultimate in these steps of pharmacy education steps is Doctorate in pharmacy. I am not wrong if I say, humanity is indebted to the medical profession and out of that to pharmacy professions. I have now given you the bird view of the pharmacy education course. Parents I am sure you are convinced about the advantages of enrolling your kid into pharmacy education stream. We are ‘s cube relations’ are engaged in providing you all the required information about the course.
Job Prospects of pharmacy courses.
Perhaps pharmacy education is the only education stream which provides the student specific jobs. As I explained above there are 4 steps or educational milestones in pharmacy education. Let us start with the Diploma in pharmacy certification course. The step is replete with ideal subjects and prepares the student for available specific jobs. The student who completes his/her diploma in pharmacy course can join medical centers as a dispenser of drugs. . This is a specialized job and only registered pharmacists are allowed to do. There is a strict training and registration process before the student is registered as a pharmacist. Author of this article is a registered pharmacist in the State of Karnataka, India. The beauty is that the registration is valid throughout the country. Furthermore, for higher studies this diploma certificate is recognised in majority of the universities in other countries. Think awhile the advantages available at the first step of pharmacy education. I am sure this type of opportunity is not available in any other education stream that too at the early state.
Students who complete a Bachelor of pharmacy stream will be a specialized professionals in their chosen subject. They will be employed in medical centers as incharge of drug department. Bachelor in pharmacy students can opt to join pharmacy colleges as lecturers. They will get a chance to pass on the learned subjects to students. Bachelor students will also get opportunity to enrol as junior research assistant in research laboratories.
Master in pharmacy degree further consolidates the student position in the pharmacy world. The student can opt to be professors in pharmacy college. They will also get opportunities in research laboratories as qualified research persons. Of course they can choose to join pharmacy colleges as professors and occupy higher position in management hierarchy.
Doctorates in pharmacy are qualified to lead research team in drug innovation. These professionals occupy a very special place in jobs but also in social fields. Doctorate in pharmacy is a much sought after profession. You have now tasted the success stories of pharmacy certificate and degree holders.
S cube relations at your help
We are at ‘s cube relations’ are aware of the success stories of many pharmacy students. This author is also a registered pharmacist and enjoys recognition in the society. We are empathetic in our approach. We are serious about our role in shaping the educational life of the student. To be a successful and smooth coordinator, the coordinator requires to be in close contact with both. By both I mean college on one hand and the parents (students) on the other. We do not make decisions on any one’s behalf. We provide all the right, required information to both the parties. The final decision to join or not to join from the student and whether to enrol or not to enrol from the colleges are not interfered by us at all. However, we check and verify the credentials of the student before we proceed further. We also provide the credentials of the college to parents and students. We work in a transparent way. We do understand that this is a life time decision to be made by both parties. I am glad to reproduce a image which explains the role and importance medical and paramedical professions play in everyone’s life.
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In this digital era approaching and conversing is so easy. We have our presence in the digital world. Our website is The web site lists our contact points lucidly. We are also available on call at 88845404,, and 9964540400. You can call us during official hours (between 9am- 5pm) or even outside office hours. We are available through email also. Our email is If you want to contact the author of this article directly than please email at The college is situated in Bengaluru popularly known as silicon valley of India. Bengaluru is also famous for gardens and is popularly referred as garden city. Majority of top companies of the world have its branch offices in Bengaluru. It is a cosmopolitan city. Not only different Indian ethnic groups but also citizens of other countries enjoy the hospitality of Bengaluru.
‘S Cube Relations’ wishes all the students out there best of luck. ‘S Cube Relations’ has special wishes to parents to witness the exciting academic journey of their children.